30 minutes Free Taster Consultation
30 minutes Free Taster Consultation
Sign in to get a free 1/2 hour consultation
Service Description
When you sign-in, you get a half-hour free consultation to discuss your issue. You can ask me questions and I'll not explain the ayurvedic protocole but offer the alternative treatments most appropriate to your condition. Accordingly, you can decide to go ahead or not. This session aims at helping you understand how and if I can help you as well as allowing you to evaluate if this is the right healing route for you.
Cancellation Policy
For cancellations and to reschedule: Full refund when you cancel at least 24 hours prior to your appointment date/time or reschedule without refund. Appointments which have not been cancelled at least 24h before start time are refundable at 50% of their value.
Contact Details
Gordes Gordes, France