”Ayurveda is eternal, without a beginning and without an end, because the laws of life are universal in nature and their properties are timeless.“
Charaka-Samhita, Sutr. 30.27

Ancient Knowledge
Ayurveda is the ancient Indian system of Medicine. The sanskrit name comes from Ayush: "lifespan" and Vedha: "knowledge" - Ayurveda is the knowledge of life.
Originally derived from the Rig Veda after the ending of the last Ice Age (10,000 years ago), it is part of the immemorial wisdom of the human race, as passed down from Rishis and Seers.
There are 4 treatises forming the basis of Indian philosophy and Ayurveda comes from one of them, the Adharva Veda which dates back 5000 years ago. At The basis of all, is the Sankhya Philosophy or Philosophy of Creation.
The oldest works which are still available today are Its 3 main foundation texts, (the Great Trio called Brhattrayi) which includes the Charaka Samhita, the Susruta Samhita and the Astanga Hrdayam. Ayurveda is also called Astanga veda (The 8 Branches of knowledge) which includes, general medicine, Pediatrics, psychiatry and psycho somatic diseases, Diseases of the Eye/Ear/ Nose/ Head and throat as well as its surgery, General Surgery, toxicology, Rejuvanation therapies, Fertility & reproductive organs related diseases.
We are given to experience life with awakened consciousness & live according to our Heart, not our Mind
Dr D. Rodrigo, The Ayurvedic Institute UK

Unique features of Ayurveda
The Ayurvedic practitioner doesn't only ask you about your symptoms, but your habits, your daily routines, nutrition, exercise, emotional triggers and establishes a global picture of your unique nature
We treat the symptoms to relieve the patient from pain and discomfort but it's the cause of the disorder that will lead to remission. Mopping the water on the bathroom floor is only useful if you've first switch off the tap
The healing protocole depends on your unique constitution. One size doesn't fit all.
Ayurveda is aligned with Nature
Ingredients of medicines originate mainly from plants and minerals, sometimes from animal sources (honey, milk and ghee for example)
Ayurvedic Medicine has no side-effects
Ayurveda is concerned with the psychosomatic aspect of the disease
Emphasises on Diet, life style and natural medicines
Emphasises on positive health and the prevention of further diseases through a better understanding of your own unique nature

The benefits: what it can help you with
Ayurveda is excellent with all chronic and auto-immune diseases. When the GP is stuck prescribing antacids and anti-inflammatories for too long, or when you've heard that "you'll have to live with it" is when Ayurveda can help you. It is a wonderful treatment in issues related to:
Digestive Issues: Indigestion, IBS, Crohn's Disease, constipation, bloating, Piles
Allergies & Skin Diseases: Eczema, Psoriasis, Rosacea. Food and breathing allergies
Female Related: Menstrual cycles, Menopause, Fibroids, Endometriosis, Ovarian Syndrome
Weight loss, Obesity, Diabetes
Heart Related: Blood Pressure, Cholesterol
Nervous system & Mental disorders: Bulimia & Anorexia and addictions, Parkinson's, stress, anxiety, depression
Respiratory: Asthma, Coughs, chronic breathing issues such rhinitis
Joints & bones related: Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis
Auto-immune disorders
5 Elements & 3 doshas
The Aim
Contrary to Allopathy, Ayurveda adapts its treatment to the patient and his or her unique constitution (the natural state of balance in which you were born). The food we eat, the life we lead and time passing, put us often in a state of imbalance. Ayurveda strives to and aim at bringing you back to your original state of well being. (see the blog: "what's a dosha")
The 5 Elements
Ayurveda sees the visible world as made of 5 elements: Ether (or Space), Air (responsible for all movements), Fire (which takes care of the transformative process) Water and Earth (responsible for creation, preservation, and regeneration)
The doshas
Ayurveda categorised the world according to its properties. So Air & Space are together known as VATA. which presents certain qualities such as: light, dry, cold... Fire & Water is Pitta with qualities such as hot, piercing, light, quick spreading and oily... While Kapha is made of Water & Earth and is heavy, immobile, nurturing, soft, unctuous etc... By classifying the world according to its properties, we can increase or decrease each of this attributes and restore balance and harmony. Take the Quizz to find out what is your dominant dosha or head to the blog for specific info on each dosha

What To Expect
How Long does it take:
An Ayurvedic treatment means a change of diet and fine-tuning your life-style. Treatments usually last for a minimum of 2 months. If you are looking for a pill that will make everything go away overnight, Ayurveda isn't the solution. Healing relies on the patient's commitment and accounts for about 50% of the treatment's success
Follow up
Following your initial consultation, we identify the cause of the disorder, you receive a diet/lifestyle plan and medicines prescription. We then meet shortly (online or in person) every 2 or 3 weeks to check on the progress, adapt the prescription and proceed with gradual incremental changes.
It works if you follow through with the recommendations. It will feel miraculous in most cases. The hidden benefit of the process is that on this journey, you'll gain insight into the way your unique body and mind work, what is good for them and isn't. In the long run, it means you start to know how to maintain health durably and set yourself back into balance when you need it. Knowing oneself is an investment that ast a life time.
Ayurveda is not just Medicine, Ayurveda is Spirituality
If you're not sure Ayurveda is suitable for your need, book a free 1/2 hour consultation with Eve to discuss your needs and concerns