Sound Bath
Due to travelling there isn't new dates to announce at present

What’s a Sound bath: This is a 45mins to 1 hour immersion into sound which will bring you to a state of passive and effortless meditation and heal you at cellular level. During the experience, you will be lying down (on your yoga mat – don’t forget it). Let yourself drift into the sounds, be opened to what is happening (visions, comfort, discomfort, sleep, state of emptiness, bliss: whatever it might be, let it flow through you). At the end, we respect a 5/10 minutes silence (Shunya). This is when the healing occurs, do not be in a hurry to get out of it.
How Does it work: you enter into an accoustic ocean sometimes called the “Healing field”: as the sounds overlap, your mind can no longer follow which induces a state of "passive meditative state" and leads to a feeling of levitation, timelessness and bliss, bringing your brainwaves to a Theta State (when the brainwaves get to a low 4 to 7hz -this is the best state for healing and learning). Meanwhile the physical vibrations are felt, and sound waves reach at cellular level, reorganising what needs to be, through the process of magnetic resonance. Feel free to talk to Eve about the scientific process behind the phenomena or check out how Sound works Magic
Contra-indications/disclaimer: unexpected effects and enhanced emotions are sometimes experienced in general. The idea is to let things be and not resist. People with Tinnitus can experience discomfort or aggravation of the condition but can also be healed with frequent and appropriate exposure. If you have a pacemaker or metal prosthetic or are pregnant under 3 months, this is not indicated. Please mention your condition before the start of the ceremony
Snoring: if your neighbour fell asleep and his/her snoring is a bit of a disturbance, stay with it, I will shift the energy so that our snorer changes position. If you fall asleep, you are usually in need of a strong detox. Let yourself be, the vibrations are still doing their work
Respect the silence in the room. If you need to get up, or leave, please do so in silence. The smallest noise can take people out of their meditative state.
Use the bathroom before the start
Dress Code: comfortable loose clothing.
Dont forget: your yoga mat (we only have a few extras). Anything that will make you confortable: socks, jumper, blanket, pillow, eye mask. A blanket and a mat are recommended.