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Roasted sweet potato & grain salad (sattvic)
This salad is sattvic, meaning that it will not imbalance any of the dosha. This is the ytype of food that keeps you in good health...

The Ayurvedic Spring
Ayurveda classifies the seasons according to their properties. The summer is for example hot and dry. As a result, seasons can be...

How Ayurveda Works Wonders
”Ayurveda is eternal, without a beginning and without an end, because the laws of life are universal in nature and their properties are...

Mixed Veggies Rasedar
Simple, nutritious, flavorful, pleasing to the palate and the eye: thid recipe is for everyday cooking. It will satisfy Pitta-dominant...

Winter Chia Bowl
Winter calls for a nourishing diet which will not aggravate the Kapha & Vata Doshas. Both being cold in nature, the food we eat should...

Winter Balance: Ayurvedic Regimen
Most of us in winter are less active than we would usually the rest of the year. And so it should be according to nature. But Winter...

Intermittent Fasting & Weight Loss: the Ayurvedic Perspective
Intermittent fasting is the new craze when it comes to weight loss. And yes! it does work for many, but not for all... Here is the...

Cumin Water to Lose Weight
Cumin is a digestive spice which rekindles the digestive fire and promotes weight loss. It will notably increase your metabolism. It...

Apple & Cinnamon Water to Lose Weight
This drink will help you lose weight. Have it on an empty stomach to start your day. Avoid having a coffee or a black tea on an empty...

Lemon Water & Chia Seeds for Weight Loss
This drink helps in weight loss and should be used in the morning on an empty stomach. Avoid having a coffee or a black tea to start your...

Morning Porridge according to your dosha
This is a protein based breakfast following the rules of ayurveda. It can be incorporated in a diet to lose weight for the Kapha dosha,...

Show Your Fat Some Love: or How To Loose weight
It's the season again when we all want to start shedding the extra pound. I often treat patients who far from obese, might be fully or...

Kitchari – Your Detox breakfast, lunch or dinner
Kitchari has many advantages: first of all, its realization is simple and fast (10 'of preparation and about 30 to 40 of cooking while...
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