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Oils: Health & Beauty
Oils are essential to Ayurveda. They are used internally and externally to preserve health and to treat disease. Be it on the skin, or in...

How Sound Healing Works... Miracles
If you want to find out the secrets of the Universe, think In terms of Energy, Frequencies and Vibrations - Nicolas Tesla CYMATICS:...

The Ayurvedic Spring
Ayurveda classifies the seasons according to their properties. The summer is for example hot and dry. As a result, seasons can be...

How Ayurveda Works Wonders
”Ayurveda is eternal, without a beginning and without an end, because the laws of life are universal in nature and their properties are...

Winter Chia Bowl
Winter calls for a nourishing diet which will not aggravate the Kapha & Vata Doshas. Both being cold in nature, the food we eat should...

Winter Balance: Ayurvedic Regimen
Most of us in winter are less active than we would usually the rest of the year. And so it should be according to nature. But Winter...

Intermittent Fasting & Weight Loss: the Ayurvedic Perspective
Intermittent fasting is the new craze when it comes to weight loss. And yes! it does work for many, but not for all... Here is the...

The successes of Ayurveda in the Treatment of Covid
Below you'll find links to scientific studies demonstrating how Ayurveda treats very successfully and more efficiently than allopathic...

Healing & Changing Life: A Hero's Journey
In the late 40’s, Joseph J. campbell, an American professor of mythology and religious studies observed the striking similarities of “The...

Show Your Fat Some Love: or How To Loose weight
It's the season again when we all want to start shedding the extra pound. I often treat patients who far from obese, might be fully or...
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